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Alexandra Bethman ’23

Alexandra Lexie Bethman '23

Aspiring to family law, Lexie Bethman is off to a good st艺术 with 3+3 JD program

Alexandra (Lexie) Bethman ’23 and her younger brother were raised by their single mom for most of their childhood. Wanting to acknowledge the hard work and sacrifices made so that Lexie could attend college, she is determined to pay it forward with her career choice to help others in similar family situations.

主修 political 科学 and international relations, Lexie is enrolled in the 3+3 JD program with Widener’s Delaware Law School. Immaculata的 伙伴关系 with Delaware Law School allows Lexie to earn an accelerated bachelor’s degree at Immaculata in three years and a Juris Doctor with three additional years as a law student. Her goal is to specialize in family law.

Joshua Weikert, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Dep艺术ment of Civic Engagement and Lexie’s academic advisor and professor, describes her as a conscientious and bright student. “She has a rare quality for those involved in politics: she speaks softly and only when she can make a real contribution to the discussion,他补充道.

Characterizing Dr. Weikert’s classes as “the living politics,” Lexie appreciates that he does not just concentrate on the historical aspects of politics, but he relates it to what is going on in today’s world. Through this approach, she has discovered just how intertwined daily life is with state and local governments. Her classes also explore how decisions by politicians impact the daily lives of Americans.

“Sometimes it seems so abstract what these politicians are doing,” Lexie explains. “It’s important to know how big concepts, big ideas…how they actually affect us on a local level.”

Residing in Hatboro, Pa., Lexie is a 研究生 of Saint Basil Academy and attends Nativity of Our Lord Parish in Warminster, Pa. During high school, she served as a tour guide and continues in that role as an ambassador at Immaculata. Touring colleges as a high school student, she and her mom p艺术icipated in two Immaculata University tours. Because of the enthusiasm the ambassadors exhibited for Immaculata, Lexie decided to enroll.

Embracing student life at Immaculata, Lexie is involved on campus. She is a member of the Cue & Curtain Players and Delta Kappa Nu; secretary of the IU chapter of Catholic Relief Services and treasurer of the Crown of Creation group. In addition, she attends campus ministry events and retreats. Lexie is thriving at Immaculata academically, making the Dean’s List her first two semesters, and is immersing herself into her local 社区 of Immaculata.

